Papilionanthe (Vanda) Miss Joaquim hybrids

Papilionanthe teres × Papilionanthe hookeriana

Hybrids of Singapore’s National Flower. Created in 1893 by Mdm Agnes Miss Joaquim, the Papilionanthe (Vanda) Miss Joaquim celebrates our nation’s ethnic diversity as the world’s only flower hybrid used as a national flower. The flower also propelled Singapore’s orchid industry into the limelight when the flower was presented to the Queen of England.

Previously known as the Vanda Miss Joaquim, the flower is now more accurately known as the Papilionanthe Miss Joaquim.

Free flowering (flowers throughout the year)

Flowers at shorter more manageable heights.

Sun-loving. Thrives in open sun and heat.

When cut, the flowers last only a few hours even on the stalk.

Flower with stem cutting 1 feet: $6

10cm stem cutting (no flower): $5; 3 for $10.

$ 25.00 (Including GST) $ 27.00

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Papilionanthe (Vanda) Miss Joaquim hybrids
Papilionanthe (Vanda) Miss Joaquim hybrids


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