Toh Garden is an established tropical orchid grower in Singapore for close to two decades. On 20th April 2009, Toh Garden decided to keep up with times and shifted part of its operations to an online business portal to cater to the younger generation as well as international markets and thus made an online presence on this site.

In our years of operation, tropical orchids has always been our specialties. We grow a wide of orchids with dendrobiums, vandaceous and tropical oncidiums being our specialties. Recently, we’ve even started growing subtropical phalaenopsis through genetic strain selection for heat resistant plants. And the results are tropical climate resilient phalaenopsis with longer lasting flowers!
Fresh flower supplies and maintaining orchid landscapes are in line with our core business of running an orchid farm. Orchids, fresh from our farm, are harvested for sales almost every day as seen on the right.

Over the years, we’ve also accumulated much experience in orchid landscaping projects. From country clubs to private organizations, from schools to parks, we’ve advised in areas such as type of orchids to use for specific display areas, orchid pest management and orchid maintenance program. Orchids can be very picky plants and thus, they may not flower well without the right elements.
Moving forth, for floral distributors, Toh Garden does export of cut flowers too! Not just for consumer markets, but also for orchid shows and individual hobbyist too. We are fully equipped with a large cold storage, rows of packing tables and skillfully trained workers to dish out any orchids that falls short of our export standards. The carefully

selected flowers were then treated, air dried and packaged into boxes together with a phytosanitary certification for export.
Aside from cut flowers supplies, Toh Garden also produces remarkable hybrids for organization namings. One such hybrid is the Dendrobium Shangri-La, Singapore hybrid. We are also capable for performing contract based growing of signature orchid for organizations. One such example is the Ascocenda Anglo-Chinese School (Ascocenda Kwa Geok Choo x Vanda Poepoe), registered by the

Singapore Botanical Gardens, on behalf of the school. A total of 10,000 Ascocenda Anglo-Chinese School was propagated by us for the Methodist School Foundation for school landscapes and charity auctions.

The National Orchid Garden, a major paid tourist attraction of Singapore also has its orchidscapes maintained by us. The National Orchid Garden is the only attraction in the world that has 365 days of orchid show through the entire year. If you are visiting Singapore, we highly recommend that you spend half a day strolling through this colourful paradise. More information on orchidscapes can be found here.