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Capsicum Joker ‘White’
Temperature: 55°F/13°C – 18 degrees C are ideal temperatures at night, whereas 70°F/21/C – 26 degrees C are optimum temps during the day. As much as possible, try to keep the temperature above 55 degrees Fahrenheit (13 degrees Celsius).
Light: Bright light and some sunshine (2 to 3 hours) near an east or west-facing window are required for this individual.
Watering: The capsicum prefers constantly wet soil. However, you should remove extra water from the bottom of the tray after watering.
Soil: It’s best to choose a potting soil combination that drains well and holds some water.
Re-Potting: When the present pot is too small for your plant, repot every two years.
Fertilizer: Feed weekly. EzGro NPK Foliar Blue Fertilizer 63 works excellent for it Growing well & Healthy, Feed every week with a EzGro NPK Foliar Pink Fertilizer 67  while the plant is flowering and fruiting.
Humidity: It’s acceptable to have a somewhat damp environment, but don’t let it get too dry.
Propagation: Around eight weeks after seeds are planted, plants are large enough to be potted.
$8.00 $8.72 (Including GST)
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