Ecuadorian Preserved Rose (7 colours)

Preserving roses is a wonderful way to commemorate a particular occasion, such as your wedding or anniversary. You may extend the life of your flowers by conserving them rather than leaving them in a vase. Preserved roses are actual flowers, as opposed to artificial ones. Though they appear to be made of silk or some other substance, they are not. It is essential that your roses are cut when they are at their peak of beauty in order to preserve them. Glycerin and other plant ingredients are then added to the blooms. Replaces the rose’s sap and rehydrates it from the petals up. Preserved roses are ready to use after just a few days of the procedure.


There is a huge difference in the longevity of dried and preserved roses. Dry flowers are fragile and quickly shatter or lose petals because they have been dehydrated. It’s possible to keep them in a secure spot for months, but if they’re accidently bumped or moved, you’ll end up with a mess.


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Ecuadorian Preserved Rose

· Diameter: 8.0 cm – 9-0 cm
· Height: 6 cm