Fern Board

11 x 23cm / Piece = $8

14 x 30cm / Piece = $10

20 x 30cm / Piece = $12

20 x 50cm / Piece = $18


Dense and sturdy fern bark that promotes orchid root growth. Fern bark is frequently used to mount orchids, especially for exotic fragrant Phalaenopsis such as Phalaenopsis bellina, Phalaenopsis violacea, Phalaenopsis gigantea etc. Fern bark allow water to drain quickly and provide orchid roots with ample air spaces. Fern bark may also be used to mount Tillandsia, Staghorn Fern and Huperzia.


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11 x 23cm / Piece, 14 x 30cm / Piece, 20 x 30cm / Piece, 20 x 50cm / Piece


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