Sansevieria bacularis (mikado)

Position: but will withstand partial shade as well as full sun

Soil: good potting compost

Rate of growth: slow

Hardiness: tender (indoors only)

Current height: probably at least 40cm (plus or minus 10% for the pot)

Pot cover: to ensure a proper fit, use a 14cm pot cover.

Mother-in-tongue laws is a member of the same family as this plant. However, this design features thin, spear-shaped foliage that works well with contemporary decor. Even though it’s a little plant, it’s powerful.

Home care: Avoid overwatering this plant by only watering when the compost is nearly dry. Watering should be limited to once or twice a month in the winter and temperatures should be kept above 10°C. When the roots begin to split the pot, repot every few years until the roots are no longer splitting the container.

$48.00 $52.32 (Including GST)

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