Venus Fly Trap Plant (Dionaea)(捕蠅草)

Here’s a care guide for Venus Fly Trap (Dionaea muscipula):

  • Light: Needs full sunlight (4-6 hours) or strong artificial light.
  • Water: Use only distilled or rainwater; keep soil damp, not soggy.
  • Humidity: Prefers higher humidity, around 50-70%.
  • Soil: Nutrient-poor mix (peat moss and perlite or sand); never use fertilizer.
  • Feeding: Feed small, live insects (flies, spiders) occasionally. Avoid overfeeding and touching traps.
  • Temperature: Thrives in 21-29°C, tolerates cooler temperatures.

This plant requires care but rewards with fascinating trap mechanisms!

$15.00 $16.35 (Including GST)

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