
Epiphyllum hookeri

Epiphyllum hookeri Care:

  1. Light: Bright, indirect light.
  2. Watering: Water when soil is dry; reduce in winter.
  3. Humidity: Prefers high humidity (50%+).
  4. Soil: Well-draining mix (cactus mix + perlite).
  5. Fertilizer: Use a balanced fertilizer during growing season.
  6. Temperature: 16-27°C.
  7. Repotting: Every 2-3 years with fresh soil.
  8. Blooming: Night blooms in late spring/summer.
  9. Propagation: Use leaf cuttings in spring/summer.

Keep it well-lit and hydrated for best growth!

$20.00 $21.80 (Including GST)

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