We will be attending the first ever Community Gardening Festival next month, on the 5, 6, 12 and 13 September 2015.  Find us along booth G36 – G38 (booths for orchid vendors) under the tents near the carpark. If you have some orchids or airplants that you would really like to buy from us at HortPark, drop us a comment and we will send it to the sales booth over at HortPark. 🙂 This upcoming Community Gardening Festival will feature many talks, guided tours and demonstrations for growing orchids, ornamental plants and vegetables for the home gardeners. There will also be culinary classes for cooking with home grown vegetables as well as art and crafts for children.
For those of you who have burning questions on why your orchids are not doing well at home. Check out this brochure below by Orchids Society of Southeast Asia and join in the free talk on 5th Sep 2015, Saturday for a free consultation. 😉 Dr John Elliott will be contributing a talk on how to remedy orchid pests and diseases and to prevent them for home orchid growers for the public. Subsequently, there will be another talk by Ms Peggy Tan on growing orchids on high-rise balconies on the 12th September 2015. 🙂