Our airplants collection has been increased in the recent months. Our collection has been expanded to include additional varieties such as Tillandsia Argentea, Tillandsia Brachycaulos, Tillandsia Fasciculata Tricolor, Tillandsia Butzii, Tillandsia Caput Medusae, Tillandsia Juncea, Tillandsia Melanocrater Tricolor, Tillandsia Oaxacana, Tillandsia Sphaereocephalla, Tillandsia Punctulata, Tillandsia Seleriana, Tillandsia Juncifolia and Tillandsia Magnusiana. We will be gradually increasing our farm to house more rare varieties gradually.
Natural seashells available for decorative display with the Tillandsia and hanging glass orbs for housing the airplants in office desktop or hanging along grilles.
Would like to check if there are air plant that I can buy suitable for terrarium. Will be using it as a gift to 10pax. Some economical, please let me know the price. Thanks.
Josephine Teo
Dear Josephine,
Yes, we have airplants suitable for terraniums.
We also have small terrarium orbs available.
The latest design comes with a stand and the orb itself can also stand on the table.
They are available at $35 each. For 10 sets, we can provide you with a $50 discount.
Do you have fragrant Tillandsia?
Hi Raymond,
Yes, Tillandsia duratii and its hybrids are fragrant.
I have seen a tillandsia that has two distinct leaf type. The bottom looks a little like xerographica and the top part the more usual longish strands. May i know which species looks like that? Thank you.
Dear Jon,
That could be a young xerographica. Tillandsias may not look like its adult form when its young and gradually change as it matures to the adult form.
Hi There,
I would like to buy some air plants.
How long (in inches) is the Juncea pups, if i purchase 10 will I get a wholesale price.
Thank you
Hi Mr Leong,
For sales, please contact us at [email protected] directly.
Thank you.
I’m looking to buy 30-45 airplant as tiny as can be for terrarium purpose. Kindly advise how much would it cost? Many thanks!
Hi Michael,
We have them available.
You can get them at $2.50 each.